You can work on a weak aura and strengthen it to serve you better; learn just how, right here!
Philosophers and new-age gurus expounding ways for self-realization and self-growth are all stressing on implementing proven strategies that they have used successfully to eliminate or block out negative energies and factors that cause them to halt their journey to a higher consciousness. This higher plane of consciousness is achieved through constant self-discovery, delving deep within yourself to learn your true nature, traits, positive and negative energies so these can be harnessed to meet the purpose of developing a more powerful aura, which can serve as a better protective shield from all environmental factors.
In Greek literature and philosophic thought, aura refers to Gloriole, nimbus or halo, which is literally a ring of light that surrounds persons or objects that have a sense of divinity in them. Thus, those who can read psychic-natures of others can also perceive these rings of spirituality around a person with intense divinity and purity even in a picture.
Many people mistakenly assume an aura to be a super-natural phenomenon, but this is not true. We all have an aura that is distinctly ours and defined by who we are within; it is reflective of our inner self and not the ice-bows that we see physically developing around or near the Moon or Sun, but is still an ethereal sort of luminescence that visibly surrounds a person who is connected with their divinity.
If we go according to traditional Greek thought, then the aura is defined by the rings of light enveloping the stronger, more physically manifested lights such as street-lighting. Whatever be the basis of each kind of philosophy, and indeed there are many theories for what comprises an aura – such as perceptual disorders similar to that experienced during a migraine or even an informer sensation that warns epileptic persons they may soon suffer a seizure, there is definite proof underlying the existence of a foreign light and color enveloping certain spiritual forms.
What we need to learn is how to differentiate between the good and bad points within us, block the distasteful and allow the positives to come in freely to influence us towards self-improvement and realization so our true worth is realized by using our aura to our benefit.
The importance of developing and strengthening the aura is also felt because it is that sudden impulse or sense of deep perception – say, even that gut instinct that kicks in without any apparent notice – that something is wrong or not quite in tune with a person’s values. It is what protects people with epilepsy from getting harmed as they know the seizure is coming on and can ask for help and even when sensing a negative vibe from a stranger, can remove themselves from harm’s way by listening to these warning signs.
However, in order for the weak aura to build into stronger, more tangible sensations, it is necessary to develop visual as well as mental perceptions to open-minded thinking wherein a wider viewpoint can be accepted without the conception of things getting lost.